
Subsidiary of EPPM (EP Power Minerals), SURSCHISTE is a commercial and industrial operator responsible of the enhancement, the marketing and the sales of by-products from coal power plants: EN 450 Fly Ash, Eurogypsum, Bottom Ash and Biomass Ash. SURSCHISTE is established on most of the national territory and carries out its activity from SAINT AVOLD, HORNAING AND MEYREUIL. The three sales agencies establish close relationships with customers on a daily basis. The headquarters at LENS brings together the functional services and ensures coordination. Since January 1, 2020, SURSCHISTE is also the ash operator of the EP Produzione plant in Fiume Santo in Sardinia. SURSCHISTE is also the owner of ash landfills : HARNES / COURRIERES – VERMELLES -HORNAING and SAINTE FONTAINE. Since 1959, SURSCHISTE sold more than 65 million tons of ash. At the same time, the company actively participates in French and European regulatory and standardization work, in particular in the areas of Concrete, Roads, Aggregates and Hydraulic Binders. Within ECOBA, European Association of Ash Producers, SURSCHISTE participates in environmental and technical promotion work, with all European countries represented in this association since 1990. In 2004, EDF, LA SNET and SURSCHISTE created the UFCC “Union Française des Cendres de Charbon” with the aim of defending the image of ash and improving the possible ways of recovery depending on the socio-economic environment.